In the cool climate of Kyushu highland, brewery craftsmen produce the sake with their highest craftsmanship using clean underground water of Kuju mountain. The product name is "Kuju SENBAZURU."
All the traditional making process from malted rice preparation, unrefined sake fermentation to the final compression, are carefully controlled by the experts.
The last compression process called Funashibori (compression using the ship bottom-shaped vessel) is carried out by the experts' traditional hand job to brew out Ginjoushu(highest grade sake), Pure rice sake, and Honjouzoushu grade sake respectively.

1. Rice washing and soaking
After the polishing of rice, the fine powder on the grain surface is washed away completely and then soak in the water. Ordinary grade sake the rice is washed by washing machine on the left but the special brands like Ginjou and Junmai are carefully washed by hand to controle the water absorption rate.

2. Steaming
The rice is then put into the large deep pod together with the water for boiling. The vapor leaves the vessel from the top and another one hour is needed to remove the residual vapor.

3. Cooling down
The cooling air is then taken from the outside to cool down the hot rice. The cooling process is carefully controlled by frequent adjusting of the cooling air rate. This is because the target temperature depends upon the final product brand.

4. Malted rice making
After the polishing of rice, the fine powder on the grain surface is washed away completely and then soak in the water. Ordinary grade sake the rice is washed by washing machine on the left but the special brands like Ginjou and Junmai are carefully washed by hand to control the water absorption rate.

5. Yeast base
The yeast base works to increase the volume of the yeast in the following process. We use two kinds of the yeast bed for quick brewing and Kimoto brewing.

6. Three-stage setting of unrefined sake
The steamed rice is thrown into the pod in three stages called "Soe", "Naka", and "Tome." The ingredient is then stirred by the paddle. The three-stage throwing method is adopted to prevent the dilution and weakening of the yeast.

7. Analysis
The analysis is essential to check the brewing status. The components of sake(Alcoholic degree, amino acid and others) is determined by the analysis. The compression timing is also determined by this analysis.

8. Compression process "Jousou"
The compression process. The yeast is packed into the bag and laid down in the vessel. The bag is first pressed by its own weight and then additional weight is put on it, finally the bag is compressed by the machine. Another method of side compression is called "Yabuta" seen in the back picture. This traditional vessel compression process is used carefully in making the special brand products like Ginjou sake, Junmai sake, and Honjouzou sake.

6197 Kuju town Kuju Taketa city Oita prefectuer JAPAN . TEL : +81-974-76-0004 Fax : +81-974-76-0005